Bilan SVE
Ces deux mois en Mécédoine ont été pour moi très enrichissants tant personnellement que professionnellement. J'ai amélioré mon anglais, j'ai appris à parler le macédonien (seulement quelques phrases et quelques mots comme esdravo = bonjour, fala = merci, kako si ? = Comment vas tu?...), j'ai découvert une nouvelle culture, j'ai rencontré des gens adorables, j'ai visité, j'ai appris à être plus à l'aise avec les nouvelles technologies,... Bref, je suis vraiment enchantée de cette expérience !
Vous trouverez ci-dessous un article en anglais que j'ai rédigé pour Notify le magazine de l'association (étant non experte en anglais il y a certainement quelques fautes, alors désolée) :
Enrich our differences throughout an
our differences: it is like this that I define my EVS. To live a unique
experience in a country far away of yours with different customs and different
way of life. My two months in Macedonia have passed extremely fast. This is a good thing that proves that I was not bored.
On the program: learn how to work
with the software Premiere Pro CS4, to participate of the promotion of a
commercial video concerned the summer camp of YMLP, improve a feedback questionnaire
for a workshop, to propose a framework for a plan of communication, to
translate a French comic into English, to learn Macedonian language, and to write
articles for NOTIFY. And all this, surrounded by people who willing to share
their knowledge and their know-how. Here, people know to be patient and they
like to show you a lot of thing. I discovered another way to work and to be
honest I have the impression that Macedonian people are not really stressed
unlike French people. A real pleasure! What I liked the most during my stay is
the summer camp YMLP. I met people from different countries and I saw an
American concept: in France we haven’t this kind of camp where young people are
in the middle of the nature. They learn to make campfires, pitch their tents, and every morning they are singing their team’s anthem... For me, it was a
change of scene!
According to me, to do an EVS is rewarding
personally and professionally. I'm sure that everything I have learned during
these two months will certainly serve me one day. My English has improved, I
knew to go toward the others, to adapt to a new working style and rhythm...
Moreover I have got to know and to understanding better new culture,
traditions, and people’s habits. In brief, I don’t regret my choice and I will
return to France my head full of memories! We live this type of adventure just
once on our life! So if I have an advice to give you: you also, take the plunge,
and discover new horizons!